Every day flower competition

I was invited to participate in Mayesh’s flower event/competition and submitted my work today. The way it works is this:  you pickup a box with flowers that were chosen by Mayesh, not you. With what you’ve been given you put together an arrangement bearing in mind that the style you’re going for is Every Day flowers. I didn’t love the colors in the box but I did my best. I can’t wait to share the work of some of the applicants. I got a sneak peek of some of the work when I was dropping off and I was blown away!


Drop-dead beauties – dahlias

Dahlias are in full bloom right now and are they beautiful.They have so much mass and look at the color! They are very shabby-chic! I wish you could see these flowers 360 degrees, they are amazing. I picked some up this morning and thought they’d look pretty with this light pink succulent. I am going to plant the succulent in the abalone shell later.

Succulents in shells

Succulents in shells can be really stunning and add a low maintenance, beautiful and beachy element to any home. I did a few myself which I will shoot and share in the next couple days. I hope you enjoy these beautiful images as well. I have a board dedicated to succulents on Pinterest as well.

Also, here is a good link for planting tips.







Magnolias, so sumptuous!

At the park with my daughter the other day I was looking up and noticed a tree that was in full bloom with the most enormous flowers I’ve seen in a long time. This was obviously a very mature tree because it was really, really tall. The blooms had to be closer to the size of basketballs than baseballs. Honestly.

This was a white magnolia tree in full bloom. How I wished I could get some of those blooms off. Since the tree is so high I don’t think most people get to observe the beauty of beauty of the blooms. Well, I guess the birds enjoy them?

There are about 80 species of magnolias and they range in color from purple-lilac to buttery yellow. Sometimes used for sumptuous weddings (the Royals like magnolias) and often used as a flower of sympathy.

I’m now on a quest to get a hold of some of these beautiful blooms and design with them. Right now I’ll just have to look up at the trees!

                                     (via kaitlinmanning on weheartit.com)

Left to right: muffet via flickr, vivaboo.com via pinterest, southerncreations.com via pinterest)

A modern take on garden herbs

Well it is the season. Herbs are popping up in backyards everywhere. It’s always so pleasant to have a bunch of fragrant herbs on display in your home to bring yummy smells and remind us of the season!

I’ve always put herbs into tins, glass milk bottles and sometimes drinking glasses but today I mixed it up a bit and put some of the herbs from my backyard in a uber modern Chive vessel. Fun!

(left to right: Curry Plant, English Lavender, Oregano and Rosemary)

I’ve captured some nice garden herb arrangements to get you thinking about summer!

(via weheartit)

(via domestic daddy)

(via pinterest)

Anthurium anyone?

I recently spent a week in Maui and was amazed at how predominant anthuriums were in arrangements and  as a landscape flower. I had prepared myself for copious hibiscus flowers. Not the case. Although hibiscus are the states’ flower and anthurium are actually not native to the area, they still reign supreme.

The reason anthuriums may be so popular may be because of their endurance in arrangements compared to hibiscus flowers which wilt almost as soon as they are cut. It also may be that anthuriums are very strong, rigid flowers that are easy to work with. 

      (Anthuriums, yellow orchids and galax leaves – Spago 4 Seasons Maui) 

Anthuriums were introduced to the Hawaiian Islands in 1889 by Samuel Damon. The flower, native to the wet forests on the western slopes of the Andes in southern Columbia grows easily in the humid, warm and similar Hawaiian environment.

(Anthurium garden – Fairmont Kea Lani – Maui)

They are a polarizing flower. Some love ’em, some really don’t love ’em. Some say they look, uh, well, I’ll leave that alone.

Probably my most favorite newly discovered flower is featured in the photo right. It is called Zingiber Spectabile. Also know as ‘Golden Beehive’ or ‘Beehive Ginger’ This arrangement was at the Four Seasons Hotel in Maui. I was so fascinated by the pretty yellow flower. One of the local people told me to tap on the top of the flower. When you do, a beautiful, gingery-honey fragrance is emitted. The ‘Golden Beehive’ originates from Malaysia. It lasts as a cut flower for up to a couple of months and as it gets older it changes from bright yellow to deep red. 

(Kangaroo paw, Beehive Ginger, yellow orchids – Fairmont Kea Lani)

I’ve also included a slideshow. The flora and fauna was so pretty and I couldn’t leave these pictures out. You’ll notice that anthuriums everywhere!

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Happy Mothers Day

Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.
                                                      -Elizabeth Stone-
Thank you Mom, for bringing me into this world and being the best friend one could ever have. I love you. I’m so lucky to have you with me as I experience the joy and sacrifice of being a mother too.
Happy Mothers Day to you all.
(Image: Chocolate cosmo with cobra lily – milkweed and maple)

Skeleton leaves and peonies

I came across the most beautiful display of skeleton leaves at one of my favorite shops recently. Skeleton leaves are real leaves but are now in ‘skeleton’ form. They are so beautifully delicate, even more so than feathers. Layering them can make for a really strong punch of color.

The display reminded me of the beautiful peonies I’ve been working with this spring.